Funding requirements

RPTU publication-fund for the year 2024

Please note

Fees for Open-Access-Publications can be payed for, if the following requirements are all met. The fullfillment of these criteria will be reviewed by the RPTU’s Open-Access-Team. In the case of a failure to comply with the requirements, the publication will be rejected for funding.

Publications in scientific journals

1. Article was accepted within the current business year

The publication was officially accepted for publication within the current business year. While it is submitted or under revision, funding for said publication cannot be accepted. Funds cannot be reserved and subsequent application for articles accepted in previous years are not possible. Additional costs for accelerated evaluation, overlength, colored visuals or similar additions will not be covered by the publication-fund.

2. Open-Access-Publication

Your publication is:

  • A contribution in a scientific paper or conference, which is published in a golden or hybrid journal.
  • A first publication. Translated contributions in mirrored journals are excluded from funding.
3. Scope

Your article contains at least 5 pages.

Articles with a lower page count must be composed of at least 15.000 characters (without spaces). When counting characters, images (including captions), tables, abstracts, titels, bibliographies, footnotes and similar elements are not counted.

4. Applicant

The applicant

  • is a corresponding author.
  • should, in general, be employed at the RPTU at time of submission. Those in science-oriented fields are also considered.
5. Quality-assurance

The journal in which your article appears must be documented in the Directory of Open-Access-Journals (DOAJ), Scopus or Web of Science and be subject to peer review.


For the application you need an ORCID iD.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identification for researchers. It allows for the association of publications, research data and scientific activities via links.

Guide to linking author profiles (available only in german language)

7. Funding

There are no, or not sufficient third party funds available for the publication.


The article in question will also be uploaded to the university’s own repository KLUEDO. This is done immediately if possible or as soon as other legal requirements (transfered rights of use, grace periods, etc.) allow for it.

Monographs, anthologies and contributions to anthologies

1. Article accepted within the current year of business

The publication in question was accepted for publication within the current year of business. The date of publication is within the year 2024 or 2025. The confirmed funds can be, at most, reserved for the following year (2025). Additional costs, such as printing costs are not covered.

2. Open-Access-Publication

Your publication is:

  • A monograph
  • An anthology
  • A contribution to an anthology

It is first publication, solely in open access and is immediately available worldwide and free of charge. Publication models, that include paid print editions and only provide e-book-versions available in open access will not receive funding.

3. Scope

Contributions to anthologies must contain at least 20.000 characters. An exception can be made for those with 15.000 characters, if the publishers do not allow for contributions above 20.000 characters. Contributions with less than 15.000 characters are not elligable funding.

4. Applicant

The applicant is

  • employed at the RPTU. Those in science oriented fields are also considered.
  • and
    • Author or co-author of a monograph
    • Author or co-author of a contribution to an anthology
    • Publisher or co-publisher of an anthology
5. Quality assurance

The work must have been subject to a process of quality assurance.


For the application you need an ORCID iD.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an unique identification for researchers. It allows for the association of publications, research data and scientific activities via links.

Guide to linking author profiles (available only in german language)

7. Funding

There are no, or not sufficient third party funds available for the publication.

8. Funding acknowledgement

The publication contains an acknowledgement of funding by the RPTU.

For example, use the following sample phrasing: “The Open Access publication of this book was financially supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of the University Kaiserslautern-Landau.”


Julia Heitmann-Pletsch

Central Library
Imeuble: 32
67663 Kaiserslautern


Dr. Katharina Niederprüm

Deputy OA-Coordinator
Imeuble: 14
67663 Kaiserslautern


Janine Reichert, Nicolas Roth, Melanie Sparre

Central Library
Imeuble: 32
67663 Kaiserslautern
