Submission of Ph.D. Theses

You are welcome to send us your copies by mail:

Universitätsbibliothek Kaiserslautern
Geb. 32/327
67663 Kaiserslautern

Universitätsbibliothek Landau
z. Hd. Anja Sehmisch
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau in der Pfalz


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by E-Mail or Phone.

Printed Copies

Doctoral theses written at the TU Kaiserslautern must be delivered to the university library in the number of copies required by the respective Ph.D. regulations.

Central library, building 32, room 327
Telephone: +49 631 205-2369

When depositing printed copies in accordance with the respective Ph.D. regulations, we ask you not to use coil bindings. Such bindings cause considerable problems with the filing and archiving.
Please choose the classic adhesive binding for your work.

Electronic Publication

Electronic versions of doctoral theses are to be published on the university library's publication server KLUEDO.
KLUEDO FAQ: publication of doctoral theses, retention periods

Please notice that printed copies must also be submitted when choosing the electronic version.

Number of Printed Copies to be Delivered

The following information serves as a first overview only. Please refer to the specific Ph.D. regulations which you can find below.

Electronic publication on KLUEDO55555555k. A.554-6
Publishing with a publisher*555333335354-6
Publishing in a journal5555k .A.3k. A.55k. A.k. A.k. A.
Self-publishing version (book or photo print)40404040404040k. A.(40)**408580

* A minimum print run of a certain number of copies must usually be proven.

** after 9 months

Nicole Kurpjuweit-Stengel


Central library
Imeuble: 32
Espace: 327

Tel.: +49 631 205-2369


Monday - Friday
09:00 - 16:00 Heures

Anja Sehmisch

Bldg. D

Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau in der Pfalz

Phone: +49 6341 280-31634
