Financing of OA-Publications

Financial support for Open Access publications

Publication-fund of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau 2024 (Last possible date of application 31.12.2024)

Employes of the RPTU can apply for financial support for the purpose of Open-Access-Publication-fees (APC – Article Processing Charge or Book Processing Charge) using the central publication-fund.

The following Open-Access-Publication-types are elligable for funding, if they have been published within the current calendar-year:

  • Submissions in scientific journals and conference contributions (Gold and Hybrid OA)
  • Contributions to anthologies (Gold)
  • Anthology (Gold)
  • Mongraphs (Gold)

Dissertations, postdoctoral thesis‘ and Festschriften are exempt from funding. They can be published free of charge using KLUEDO.

Funding of Journal-Articles:

APC-AmountOA-Fund financial Support
Up to 1.800 €Complete
1.800 € to 2.500 €1.800 €
2.500 € to 2.900 €(APC-Amount)-700 €
Above 2.900 €2.200€

The OA-Fund covers the entirety of APCs of up to 1.800 €. In the case of higher APCs, the author has to cover part of the cost themselves. This personal cost can reach up to 700 € for APCs up to 2.900 €. Publications with an APC more than    2.900 € are funded with a maximum of 2.200 €. Additional costs for accelerated evaluation, overlength, colored visuals or similar additions will not be covered by the publication-fund.

Funding of monographs, contributions to anthologies and compilations:

 Funding amount
MonographMaximum of 2.900 €
AnthologyMaximum of 2.900 €
Contribution to an anthologyMaximum of 750 €

If more than one author/publisher is contributing to a publication, the maximum funding amount is divided equally among all authors/publishers. If this group contains authors/publishers without affiliation to the RPTU, the total funding amount is reduced by their share.

All previously funded publications can be found on KLUEDO under Collection Open Access Publication Fund.

Financing of open Access articles in journals

DEAL Elsevier

Limited until 2028/12/31

Reading access to almost all journal titles published by Elsevier including Cell Press and The Lancet journals.

Publishing of scientific articles with an open access option:

  • OA-publishing in (hybrid) subscription journals
    If the corresponding author belongs to the RPTU, the option „Elsevier Core Hybrid“ should be selected. Fees will also be charged for closed access articles. The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.
  • OA-publishing in pure gold open access journals
    This means pure open access journals in which all articles are published exclusively open access. The publisher grants a discount of 20% onto the usual publication fees (APC). The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.

Please note that the DEAL agreements cover the costs of open access publishing, but do not cover any print-related services that you may order for your article in the course of publication, e.g. colour charges, page charges, etc.; these are at your own expense.

DEAL Springer

Limited until 2028/12/31

Reading access almost the entire Springer Nature’s journal portfolio (more than 2.200 hybrid journals and over 400 pure open access journals).

Publishing of scientific articles with an open access option. Non-research-articles can be published free of charge.

  • OA-publishing in (hybrid) subscription-journals (Springer Open Choice)
    If the corresponding author is affiliated with the RPTU, the option „Online Open“ should be selected. Fees will also be charged for closed access articles. The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.
  • OA-publishing in pure gold open access journals
    This means pure open access journals in which all articles are published exclusively open access. The publisher grants a discount of 20% onto the usual publication fees (APC). The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.
    Covered article types: research articles (= original paper, review paper, brief communication).

Author information by Springer Nature

You must identify yourself during the author identification process

  1. by the institution selected during this process (RPTU),
  2. by your institutional email address (,, or
  3. by location when submitting within the university's network (IP range)

Please note that the DEAL agreements cover the costs of open access publishing, but do not cover any print-related services that you may order for your article in the course of publication, e.g. colour charges, page charges, etc.; these are at your own expense.

DEAL Wiley

Limited until 2028/12/31

Reading access to almost all journal titles published by Wiley (currently approx. 1.900 journal titles).

Publishing of scientific articles with an Open-Access-component and in purely OA-Journals.

Please note, that only primary research- or review-articles are covered by the agreement.

  • OA-publishing in (hybrid) subscription-journals (Wiley Online Open)
    If the corresponding author belongs to the RPTU, the option „Online Open“ should be selected. In closed Access, we still pay associated fees. The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.
  • OA-publishing in pure gold open access journals
    This means pure open access journals in which all articles are published exclusively open access. The publisher grants a discount of 20% onto the usual publication fees (APC). The invoicing is handled centrally at the UB.

Workflow OnlineOpen
Workflow Open Access
How to convert Opt-Out publications to Open Access at Wiley

Hindawi-Journals: Authors submit their manuscripts to Hindawi, using the System Phenom. They indicate their affiliation when submitting the manuscript. In Phenom only one corresponding author can be listed. Please note, that only this step enables the publication for funding. This means: The author that is eligible for funding must submit and select the affiliation correctly.

Please note that the DEAL agreements cover the costs of open access publishing, but do not cover any print-related services that you may order for your article in the course of publication, e.g. colour charges, page charges, etc.; these are at your own expense.

OA Transformative Agreement for Nature and Nature Research Journals

2021/01/01 – 2024/12/31


Read access to the entire Nature portfolio, including the 21 Nature Reviews journals and all future Nature-branded journals to be published. According to the term of this contract, the access rights refer to the journal contents from 2021 until 2024.


Publishing of open access articles (primary research articles) in Nature and in 32 Nature research journals.
If you are a corresponding author affiliated with RPTU, the fees are covered by the agreement with the RPTU.


Author guide

You must identify yourself during the author identification process

  1. by the institution selected during this process (RPTU),
  2. by your institutional email address (,, or
  3. by location when submitting within the university's network (IP range)
AIP Publishing

2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31


Read access to the entire e-journal portfolio of IOP Publishing.


Corresponding authors affiliated with RPTU can publish their articles under an open access license (CC BY) in most hybrid AIP Publishing subscription journals. Please note that AIP Publishing's full open access (gold) journals are not included in this contract. After exceeding an article limit within the AIP consortium, APCs of $2,800 (list price $3,500) per article will apply.


AIP Publishing journal list (only hybrid open access journals are covered by the contract)



2023/09/01 – 2026/08/31


Read access to the entire Frontiers e-journal portfolio.

Open Access publishing component for all journals of the publisher. If the corresponding author belongs to the RPTU, invoicing is done centrally to the UB. The UB invoices the corresponding article fees to the author(s). Under this contract, the publisher grants a 10% discount on the APC for articles by corresponding authors of the RPTU for each publication.


2024/01/01 – 2026/12/31


Read access to the entire e-journal portfolio of Hogrefe.


Publishing of open access articles in any of the transformative journals in the PsyJOURNALS portfolio. If you are a corresponding author affiliated with RPTU, the fees are covered by the agreement with the RPTU.

Reduced APCs for papers in Hogrefe gold open access journals
Since the following titles are already full open access journals, papers in them are not covered by the transformative agreement. Hogrefe grants participating institutions a 25% reduction on regular APCs (article publication charge) for these journals. All that you as an author need to do is to claim your APC reduction is to apply and send Hogrefe proof that you are working at RPTU.


IOP Publishing

2022/01/01 – 2024/12/31


Read access to the entire e-journal portfolio of IOP Publishing.


Publishing of open access articles in 56 (hybrid) journals and 18 gold open access journals. If you are a corresponding author affiliated with RPTU, the fees are covered by the agreement with the RPTU.


Public Library of Science PLOS

2023/01/01 – 2024/12/31


Read access to the entire e-journal portfolio of PLOS


Publishing of open access articles in 12 gold open access journals. New journals added to the portfolio during the term of contract are also covered by the contract. If you are a corresponding author affiliated with RPTU, the fees are covered by the agreement with the RPTU.

Submission guide

Publishing FAQs

Please note the following when submitting your article:

  • If availabe, use your ORCID ID to register in the "Editorial Manager" of PLOS.
  • Please choose the option "My institution will fully or partially pay".
  • When entering your affiliation in the PLOS "Editorial Manager", select "RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau" from the drop-down menu.
Rockefeller University Press

2024/01/01 – 2026/12/31

Publications by RPTU authors will be made open access after six months.

Taylor and Francis

2024/01/01 – 2026/12/31

Reading access to Taylor and Francis e-journals licensed by the University Library.

Open access publishing component for corresponding authors of RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau in all T&F Open Select Journals.

Journals that are converted from Open Select Journals (Hybrid) to Fully Open Access Journals (Gold) during the term of the agreement can continue to be published free of charge under the transformation agreement.

The publisher grants authors a 15 percent discount on the APC (Article Processing Charge) for pure Open Access journals (Gold).

wt Werkstattstechnik online

2023/01/01 – 2025/12/31

Read access to the journal wt Werkstattstechnik online.

Articles by main and co-authors of the RPTU are published open access. The articles appear directly as gold open access articles with a CC BY licence.

Discounts / OA-Regulations from publisher side

Reduced APC for a corresponding author who is an active member of ASM at any level except the supporting member level.

Journal editors get 15% off publishing fees.

A 10% discount is available for all A-type articles whenever a Field Chief Editor, Specialty Chief Editor or Associate Editor is the corresponding author.
A 10% discount is available for all A-type articles whenever a Review Editor is the corresponding author and has submitted within 3 months of either joining the editorial board or completing a Frontiers article review.
A 10% discount is available for A-type articles submitted within the Research Topic deadline.
In cases where authors do not have the means to pay the APCs, they can apply for full or partial waivers.

Discount for Members of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Please include your membership number in the online application form when requested to do so. We will then apply a 15% discount automatically.

Open Access strategies and funding opportunies from third-party funders

The European Commission launched Open Research Europe, an open access publishing platform for scientific papers. The platform will present the results of research funded by Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme for 2021-2027, and its predecessor, Horizon 2020. This new platform is an optional service for Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 beneficiaries so that they can comply with their funding requirements for immediate open access, at no cost to them.

Also research data from Horizon Europe/Horizon 2020 projects have to be published mandatory as open access.

Further information can be found here:

Press release European Commission 24th of March 2021

EU support for Open Access

Beneficiaries have to upload all their manuscripts and scientific data to an adequate repository. The metadata records have to be freely available and must include the following data:

  • terms ["European Union (EU)" & "Horizon 2020“/“Horizon Europe“]
  • name of the action, acronym and grant number
  • publication date, the length of the embargo period (if applicable) and a persistent identifier (e.g. ORCID)

The purpose of the bibliographic metadata requirement is to make it easier to find publications and ensure that EU funding is acknowledged.

H2020 Programme: Guidelines to the Rules on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Open Access to Research Data in Horizon 2020, p. 7 (version 3.2, 2017/03/21)


Julia Heitmann-Pletsch

Central Library
Imeuble: 32
67663 Kaiserslautern


Dr. Katharina Niederprüm

Deputy OA-Coordinator
Imeuble: 14
67663 Kaiserslautern


Janine Reichert, Nicolas Roth, Melanie Sparre

Central Library
Imeuble: 32
67663 Kaiserslautern
