Interlibrary Loans | Document Delivery

The necessary literature is not available in Kaiserslautern or Landau? The Interlibrary Loan is a service for the procurement and delivery of media between different libraries.

How does the Interlibrary Loan work?

You order a book or journal article via the DigiBib Kaiserslautern or Digibib Landau in a library affiliated to Interlibrary Loan in Germany. The ordered document will be delivered to our library and you can borrow the book or you get a copy of an article.

Basic informations

Please choose between DigiBib Kaiserslautern or DigiBib Landau

Who can order: patrons registered as users at the RPTU – University Library

Costs: 1.50 € (e.g. students) accordingly 3.00 € (staff) – payable via TANs

Delivery time: articles: Ø up to 7 days. Books: 2-3 weeks

Loan period: normally 4 weeks (Terms of the lending library must be followed)

More Information, such as „What can I order?“ see our  F.A.Q.s


Transaction numbers (TANs) are required to submit a request and may be purchased at all Campus Libraries. Faculty members with cost center privileges may have the fee charged directly to their faculty cost center by using the transfer form. The TANs can then be sent directly to their desktop by e-mail.

Transfer between Kaiserslautern and Landau

Media that are listed in the collection of the RPTU University Library may not officially be ordered via interlibrary loan.

You can - after registering in Katalog+ - reserve individual media for loan to the respective other location, provided they are available for loan. This also applies to individual journal volumes from the Landau location.

If you are interested in media that cannot be borrowed from the other location, please contact your local library - we will check possible options with you.
(for Kaiserslautern: ub-fernleihe-kl(at) For Landau: ub-fernleihe-ld(at)


Forms for external users in Kaiserslautern

For registered users of the University Library in Kaiserslautern who do not have an RPTU account but would still like to order interlibrary loans: Please use one of the following forms, depending on what you would like to order:

Book order

Chapter/article order from a book

Journal article order

Document Delivery

There are further services to borrow literature from other libraries

Interlibrary Loans Kaiserslautern

Interlibrary Loans Landau