ISBN/ISSN for Publications of the RPTU

ISBN for Publications

The ISBN (= International Standard Book Number) is used for the unique identification of independently published works such as books. The form and use of the ISBN are regulated in a DIN standard. However, this is not a legally prescribed book characteristic, i.e. publications can also be published without an ISBN number.

The university library has acquired a contingent of ISBN numbers, which can be requested by members of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern for publications (e.g. Ph.D. theses) via an online form. The allocation of an ISBN is free of charge.

If desired, publications published with an ISBN can be reported to the VLB (Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher, the central platform for the automated exchange of product information in the German-language book industry) under the condition that copies are made available for sale in the corresponding faculty.

Any orders received must be handled by the faculties. If titles are out of print or not available in sufficient numbers, please notify us immediately.

ISSN for Monographic Series

An ISSN (= International Standard Serial Number) is required for the publication of a series. The UB will handle the request with the German National Library for you. The draft cover of the first volume and the draft of the imprint are required for this. Please send both documents in electronic form to the e-mail address mentioned below.

Mandatory deposit

If you publish a media work on a physical medium in Germany, you are obliged by law to send copies to the German National Library and the Palatinate State Library.

Important regulations (German only):

Simone Eisenblätter

Central Library
Building: 32