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Borrowing and Using our Resources

The library provides print collections as well as electronic ressources for a wide range of disciplines.

Hours of operation
Library Account
Library locations
Loan periods and Renewals
Access to electronic resources
Interlibrary Loans & Document Delivery
Purchase recommendation
Purchase recommendation Landau

Searching and Finding

Use our resources for courses, theses, seminars and workshops. Learn more about means and ways to find literature.

Search in Katalog+
Books, Journals & more
Lectures | Exams
Access to electronic resources

Courses and Information

Besides of our library courses there are other sources to learn more about library-oriented topics such as searching and managing literature.

Information and Advice
Search Tips
Fit to Study - Courses

Learning Spaces

The University Library offers various learning areas such as quiet individual workplaces or rooms for groupwork.

Meeting Room Booking System
Study Spaces available in Kaiserslautern?
Library Locations


Do you need a break? In addition to various "feature films", we also offer you various daily newspapers and magazines.

Free DVD Rental of AStA Movies