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Conferences / Conference Reports

A scientific conference, also known as a symposium or congress, is a professional meeting (on a specific topic) for scientists to present their work and findings and discuss them among themselves. Conferences are an integral part of the scientific community and represent an essential means of communication. After the conference, the subsequently prepared papers are often published in conference proceedings.


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Conference Publications of TIB

Conference reports are a collection focus of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), whose collections include volumes of both national and international conference reports. Among them there are also volumes which cannot be obtained via booksellers. Individual articles from conference proceedings can be ordered via interlibrary loan.


Article Databases

In addition to subject-specific articles from scientific journals, bibliographic databases often include conference papers and conference proceedings.

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IEEE Conference Search: conference calendar of all conferences from 2003 onwards in which IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is involved, e.g. as an organizer.



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