You can find relevant open access journals via the Directory of Open Access
Journals (DOAJ).
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can also deposit your preprints on the following repository:
CORE: Repository in the humanities, which also covers the disciplines of art and architecture.
Relevant specialized information on civil engineering can be found in the specialist information service BAUdigital.
You can find relevant open access journals via the Directory of Open Access
Journals (DOAJ).
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can publish your subject-specific research data in the Workbench. Additionally, a subject-specific repository is under construction. Follow this link to the beta version of the Bau-Portal.
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Biology
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Biology.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
arXiv: repository for (almost) all natural science disciplines
bioarXiv: preprint server for biology
Publisso: subject repository for the life sciences
PubMedCentral: subject repository for biomedical and life sciences
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Chemistry
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Chemistry.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
ChemRxiv: a server for preprints in chemistry
PubMedCentral: subject repository for biomedical and life sciences
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Engineering
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Engineering.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, herae is a selection of relevant repositories:
arXiv: repository for (almost) all natural science disciplines
arXiv EESS: the Electrical Engineering and Systems Science archive on the e-print server arXiv
engrXiv Archive: preprint server for engineering
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in the Educational Sciences
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in the Educational Sciences.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
DIPFdocs: institutional repository of the DIPF
peDOCS: subject-specific repository of the DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information for the areas of educational research, educational science, and subject didactics
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area educational science
VET Repository: central publication server of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) for literature in the area of vocational education and trainining (VET) research
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in the Geosciences
You can find relevant oa journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in the Geosciences.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
EarthArXiv: preprint server of the California Digital Library in cooperation with Janeway.
ESS Open Archive: preprint server for the geosciences
GEO-LEO: disciplinary repository of the Specialized Information Service for Geosciences (FID GEO)
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in German Studies
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in German Studies.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
AMAD: interdisciplinary open access Subject Repository and Scholarly Blog for Medieval research
CompaRe: specialised repository for general and comparative literature
GiNDok: repository of the FID German Studies
Publication server of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)
Subject-specific Open Access information can be found here: Open Access in Historical Studies
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Historical Studies
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
AMAD - Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale consists of an open access subject repository and the scholarly blog Medievalism.
ECHO - Cultural heritage online: Open access repository of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
PropylaeumDOK: full-text server of the specialized information service for classical studies
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Computer Science
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Computer Science.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
arXiv/CoRR: repository for (almost) all scientific disciplines.
Subject-specific Open Access information can be found here: Open Access in Art History or Open Access in the Arts.
You can find relevant open access journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Art History or Open Access in the Arts.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
ART-Dok: publication platform of
CORE: repository in the area of humanities, which also covers the disciplines of art and architecture
musiconn: portal of the FID Musicology
mediea/rep/: open access repository for media sciene publications
Subject-specific Open Access information can be found here: Open Access in Engineering
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Engineering.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
engrXiv: preprint server for engineering and related areas
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Mathematics
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Mathematics.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can find a selection of relevant repositories here:
arXiv: repository for (almost) all scientific disciplines.
Göttingen Digitization Center (GDZ): contains, among others, the collection Mathematica, in which Göttingen State and University Library’s entire historical mathematics collection up to and including the year 1900 is made accessible.
Historical Math Monographs (Cornell University Library)
MPIM Preprint series: repository of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
NUMDAM: Université Grenoble Alpes, includes many French and Italian journals
Project Euclid: Cornell University, electronically published journals, many of them open access
The European Mathematical Information Service (EMIS): access to many journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and lecture notes.
The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection: 19th and early 20th century monographs
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Philosophy
You can find relevant oa journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Philosophy.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
Cogprints: repository for psychological, neuroscience, linguistics, biology, philosophy, and computer science texts
HAL-SHS: archive for human and social sciences
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area philosophy, theology
PhilPapers: comprehensive text archive and bibliographic search instrument
PhilSci: repository for philosophy of nature and philosophy of science
Collection point: electronically archived theory
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Physics
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Physics.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
arXiv: repository for (almost) all scientific disciplines
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Political Science
You can find relevant oa journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Political Science.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can find a selection of relevant repositories here:
APSA Preprints: political science preprint server of the American Political Science Association (APSA).
edoc.vifapol: for literature until 2014
PSN (Political Science Network): contains over 240,000 papers by about 190,000 authors, part of SSRB
SocArXiv: social science document server, contains working papers, preprints and second publications
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area political science
SSRN - Social Science Research Network: preprint server with research publications in the social sciences, humanities, humanities and economics
Subject-specific Open Access information can be found here: Open Access in Psychology
You can find relevant open access journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Psychology.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can find a selection of relevant repositories here:
PsychArchives: one of the few OA repositories worldwide specializing in psychology
PsyArXiv: contains preprints from psychology
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area psychology
Relevant specialized information on regional and environmental planning can be found in the specialist information service BAUdigital.
You can find relevant open access journals via the Directory of Open Access
Journals (DOAJ).
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, you can publish your subject-specific research data in the Workbench. Additionally, a subject-specific repository is under construction. Follow this link to the beta version of the Bau-Portal.
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Sociology
You can find relevant oa journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Sociology.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area sociology
SSRN - Social Science Research Network: preprint server with research publications in the social sciences, humanities, humanities and economics
Subject-specific Open Access information can be found here: Open Access in Religious Studies
You can find relevant open access journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Religious Studies.
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
FID Religious Studies Repository
FID4SA Repository: for South Asian studies
MENAdoc: Middle East and Islamic studies
SSOAR Social Science Open Access Repository: subject area sociology of religion
Subject-specific open access information can be found here: Open Access in Economics and Business Studies
You can find relevant oa journals via the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or at Open Access in Economics and Business Studies
In addition to our institutional repository KLUEDO, here is a selection of relevant repositories:
arXiv: repository for (almost) all scientific disciplines, including economics
EconStor: publication server of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics.
Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA)
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)
Social Science Research Network (SSRN): access to about 800,000 open access full texts, over half of which are in the domains of economics and business studies.