Interlibrary Loan

Free Order Request

Order process - Complete book

Search form

Log in to the DigiBib of your location(DigiBib Kaiserslautern or DigiBib Landau).

Open the "Search" drop-down menu and select "Interlibrary loan: books and sections".

Enter your search terms and start the search.

Hit list

If the desired book is not found, you have the option of using the free order form. To do this, select "Free order of a book". Please check in advance whether your search details were correct (e.g. without spelling mistakes).

A book order via the free order form is necessary, for example, if the book has to be ordered from abroad.

Order form

Order data

Please ensure correctness and completeness.

Delivery conditions

If a book is on loan from all available libraries, we can place a hold on it on request. Please note that this may result in a longer waiting time.

In the "Notes on this order" field, you can specify a cost limit if you are prepared to accept additional costs for your delivery. For example, there may be

  • Fees for international interlibrary loan for orders from abroad (€4.80 or €2.40 for beneficiary users)
  • possibly increased postage costs for the return shipment
  • additional costs charged by the delivery library
Personal details

Your details are automatically taken from your library account. If the data is incorrect, please inform us immediately of any changes at

Payment method

Enter a valid TAN number for your pick-up location.

Ordering process - Section or essay from a book

Search form

Log in to the DigiBib of your location(DigiBib Kaiserslautern or DigiBib Landau).

Open the "Search" drop-down menu and select "Interlibrary loan: books and sections".

Enter your search terms and start the search.

Hit list

If the desired book in which the article was published is not found, you have the option of using the free order form. To do this, select "Free order of a section from a book". Please check in advance whether your search details were correct (e.g. without spelling mistakes).

Order form

Information on the book and information on the essay

Please ensure that the information is correct and complete. Provide all the information you know.

Terms of delivery

Please note that an amount of €8.00 is automatically preset for "Cost coverage up to maximum" for essay orders. Of course, you have the option of changing this amount or reducing it to €0.00.

Personal details

Your details are automatically taken from your library account. If the data is incorrect, please inform us immediately of any changes at

Payment method

Enter a valid TAN number for your pick-up location.

Ordering process - Standards

Standards are generally not listed in library catalogs. To check whether you have online access to a specific standard, please use the Nautos database (access required in the IP area at RPTU). If you are unable to access the full text of the standard via this database, you can try to order it via interlibrary loan.


Search form

Log in to the DigiBib of your location(DigiBib Kaiserslautern or DigiBib Landau).

Open the "Search" drop-down menu and select "ILL: Books and Book sections".

Enter your search terms and start the search.

Search results

If the desired standard is not found, you have the option of using the free order form. To do this, select "Free book order". Please check in advance whether your search details were correct (e.g. no transposed digits).



Order form

Order details

Please ensure correctness and completeness.

Delivery conditions

For standards, you should select "No" under "Make reservation".

In the "Order - Your Comments" field, you can enter a cost limit if you are prepared to accept additional costs for your delivery. For example, costs may be incurred for the production of large copies. Or you can provide a source where you found the standard

Personal details

Your details are automatically taken from your library account. If the data is incorrect, please inform us immediately of any changes at ub-ausleihe-kl(at)

Method of payment

Enter a TAN number valid for your pick-up location.

Interlibrary Loans Kaiserslautern

Interlibrary Loans Landau