Loan periods

begins with...
Loan period
renewable*Loan period
Books in all library unitsXXX**4 weeksup to 3 months

3 years or earlier upon expiration of employment contract

Magazine KL / LDMAG, U, UM, UCD / XXX**4 weeksup to 3 months
Textbook collectionL4 weeks***up to 3 months


Same as students/guests

Children's UniversityK4 weeksup to 3 months
Movie Collection (DVD and BluRay)45:2152 weeksNo
Bound journals in LandauXXX + (0)022 weeksNo

*     Media cannot be renewed if reserved by another person or if your account is blocked or expired.
**   XXX = Area code or subject group
***   Students with disabilities (degree of disability at least 50%) can apply to borrow books from the textbook collection for one semester.

Non-Lendable Media

For use in the library only
Inventory Signature Begins with...
Media in Course Reserve CollectionsXXX
Journal Volumes, Journal Issues, and Newspapers in all library units in KaiserslauternZBL, XXX + Z, ZTG
Journal Issues in LandauXXX + (0)02
General Information Resources in Central Library Kaiserslautern40
Magazine Inventory A/RU/BIMAG ARB

Loan periods for individual media may differ from these tables. Please refer to the information in the Katalog+.

Interlibrary loans have separate lending conditions set by the owning library. Typically, the loan period is 4 weeks with no option for renewal.

Central lending Kaiserslautern

Building: 32

Mon - Fri   08:30 - 16:30 O `clock

Central lending Landau

Building: D

Mon - Fri   09:00 - 15:00 O `clock