Specialist portal


Subject-specific offers


Book arrangement/classification system
The classification system shows you how our holdings are organized.
Here you will find various e-book packages from the University Library.
Here you will find the various e-journals in the field of chemistry. You will be redirected to the electronic journal database.
Specialized databases
Databases in the field of chemistry can be accessed via the Database Information System (DBIS). Most databases offer help texts.


We offer introductions to the library at the beginning of the summer and winter semesters as part of our "Fit to Study" training program. This offer is supplemented by research training and various other courses.

For a short introduction to the Chemistry Departmental Library, you can also contact the colleagues at the desk at any time.

Research data

Research data at the University Library incl. a general overview

Research data at RPTU

Subject-specific services in the field of chemistry, for example, are offered by the consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI4Chem)

A general and comprehensive introduction to the topic of research data and research data management can be found on the German-language information portal on research data management forschungsdaten.info

The global register for research data repositories re3data.org is a good place to search for research data in subject-specific repositories.

Open Access

Open Access in chemistry
Open Access at RPTU

Subject-specific repositories

In addition to the university's own repository KLUEDO for publishing your documents, there are subject-specific repositories that are suitable for first or second publication. In the field of biology, for example, these are

  • ChemRxiv, a preprint server for chemistry. Here, scientific publications can be made freely accessible by the authors as non-peer-reviewed manuscripts before formal publication.
  • PUBLISSO - Specialized repository for life sciences. The subject repository hosted by ZB MED offers the secondary publication of articles and research data.


OER are freely accessible and free educational resources that can often be modified and republished.
Information and links can be found via the Federal Agency for Civic Education. The search engine for educational materials ELEXIER can be used to find materials for various subjects. The website ZUM.de provides teaching materials, projects and ideas. OER for university teaching can be found on twillo.

Sources on the Internet

Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Niederprüm

Subject Librarian Biology and Chemistry

Department Library Biology, Kaiserslautern
Building: 14, Room: 368
